Cleaning company “Australian Bright Services”. We create comfort in your home!

Cleaning company “ABS” entered the market of cleaning services of the Republic of Australia in 1985. Over the past years, the company has made no small strides.

We started our activities with dry cleaning services for private carpets. Today, the cleaning company “Commercial Cleaning Services Sydney” is a company with a full range of cleaning services: from daily cleaning to complex special work – washing facades, dry cleaning furniture, etc. A large assortment includes equipment, supplies, consumables and detergents from leading manufacturers.

Since 1985, the company launched a new direction – one-time cleaning of individuals (washing windows and balconies, general cleaning, post-construction cleaning). Currently, the company has already built up a permanent base of private clients in this direction.

Since 1995, the direction has successfully started – daily maintenance and cleaning of the interior of commercial real estate, at the moment the company serves more than 5000 square meters of retail and office space.

During the work, the company developed the basic principles: responsibility to customers and partners, for the quality of the work performed and the obligations undertaken; professionalism – good knowledge of one’s business, continuous self-improvement, thoughtful use of resources, mutual understanding and mutual assistance within the company, the desire to be the best in their field. Many of our customers appreciated the high quality of the work performed.

Published by australianbrightcleaningservices

Australian Bright Services At Australian Bright Services, we provide cleaning services to all types of commercial buildings including offices, corporate headquarters, childcare centers, healthcare facilities, schools, industrial facilities, research facilities, retail stores, shopping centers and even post construction cleaning.

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